Journal of Bioresources

Volume: 11 (2) : July-December 2024

Extended distribution record of two threatened species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Arunachal Pradesh, India

Received: 02.07.2024; Revised: 02.07.2024; Accepted: 02.07.2024; Published: 02.07.2024

Two threatened species of Impatiens namely I. sikkimensis and I. tuberculata were recorded here as a new record for the flora of Arunachal Pradesh, India. Both the species were earlier known only from Sikkim in India. Detail description from live material and coloured illustrations for easy identification are provided.


Impatiens belonging to the family Balsaminaceae is one of the largest genera of Angiosperm having more than 1000 species (Mabberley, 2008; Bhaskar, 2012; Yu, 2012; Gogoi et al., 2018, 2021), distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World as well as in the northern temperate regions (Fischer, 2004; Mabberley, 2008). The genus is known to have five distinctive diversity hotspots i.e. Tropical Africa, Sino-Himalayan region, Southern part of India, Madagascar and South-East Asia (Toppin, 1920; Grey-Wilson, 1980; Bhaskar and Razi, 1981; Chen, 2001; Gogoi et al., 2018). The habitat requirement of the Impatiens species is very much specific and prefer to grow in cool, moist, mountainous habitats and is the reason why most of the species were endemic to particular locality. During a recent plant expedition tour to Tawang and other adjoining areas of Arunachal Pradesh in August 2023, many species of Impatiens were collected. After critical examination of the specimen and thorough scrutiny of literature (Lamarck, 1778; Hooker, 1905; Grey-Wilson, 1991; Chakrabarty, 2009; Govaerts and Chakrabarty, 2011; Gogoi et al., 2018, 2018a, 2021; Borah et al., 2019; Wangchuk et al., 2020) two of the specimens were identified as Impatiens sikkimensis Govaerts & Chakrab. and Impatiens tuberculata Hook.f. & Thomson.

The present discovery of I. sikkimensis is very important from the conservation point of view as the species is endemic to Sikkim (Grey-Wilson, 1991; Chakrabarty, 2009; Gogoi et al., 2018a) and is endangered due to restricted distribution with decreasing population (Gogoi et al., 2021). Recently this species was discovered from Zhemgang district of Bhutan by Wangchuk et al. (2020). The other species I. tuberculata is recorded only from Sikkim in India other than Bhutan and China, and also considered as endangered and no recent collection was observed from India (Gogoi et al., 2018, 2021). Hence, it is reported here as new addition to flora of Arunachal Pradesh, India and this information shall be important for planning conservation strategies of both these two threatened species. A detail description along with coloured photographic illustration are provided for easy identification of the species in the field

Section Snippets

Extensive field survey was conducted to different parts of Tawang district in the month of August, 2023 to collect different species of Impatiens. The species collected were dissected, photographed, descriptions were prepared and finally put up on herbarium sheets following the method of Jain and Rao (1976). The voucher specimens were deposited in herbarium of Arunachal Pradesh Regional Centre of Botanical Survey of India (ARUN). The specimens were identified consulting the relevant literatures as mentioned above.


Hooker JD. 1905. An epitome of the British Indian species of Impatiens. Record of the Botanical Survey of India 4: 1–58.

Jain SK and Rao RR. 1976. A handbook of field and herbarium methods. Today and Tomorrow Printers and Publishers, New Delhi.

Lamarck J.-B.P.A. 1778. Flore françoise, ou, Description succincte de toutes les plantes qui croissent naturellement en France: disposée selon une nouvelle méthode d’analyse, & à laquelle on a joint la citation de leurs vertus les moins équivoques en médecine, & de leur utilité dans les arts. 2: 666. Paris, l’Imprimerie Royale.


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