Instruction to Authors

Scope of the Journal: The Journal of Bioresources (JBR) is a peer-reviewed journal of biodiversity which is published half-yearly by the UGC Center with Potential for Excellence in Biodiversity, Rajiv Gandhi University, Rono Hills, Doimukh, Arunachal Pradesh, India. The journal publishes original research articles, review articles and short communications on broad area of biodiversity which includes basic and applied research on plant, animal and microbial sciences, traditional knowledge and bioresources utilization. Journal aims to publish quality articles related to morphological taxonomy, molecular taxonomy, floristics, ethnobotany, medicinal and economic botany, pharmacognosy, ethnopharmacology, herbal medicines, ecology, angiosperm, gymnosperm, pteridophyte, bryophyte, algae, fungi, bacteria, virus, pathology and diseases, insect, bird, fish, reptile and mammalian biology, traditional ecological knowledge, conservation, threatened taxa, phytogeography, traditional agriculture and livelihood, bioprospecting, drug discovery and biotechnology. The Journal of Bioresources (JBR) is published in two issues in the month of June and December in a calendar year. However, JBR will soon start publishing peer-reviewed articles in monthly or quarterly basis soon from January 2024 onwards.

Manuscript format: The manuscript to be submitted to the Journal of Bioresources (JBR) should contain title of the article (maximum 30 words), name of the author/s and their affiliation, Abstract, Key words (6 – 8), Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion (sometime discussion and conclusion could be merged together), Acknowledgement, Disclosure of funding sources with grant number if any, Declaration of conflict of interest, Author’s contribution (contributions of each authors right from research design to preparation of manuscript to be clearly mentioned), table and figure (high resolution) with proper caption should be submitted and the References should be provided at the end of the article.

Submission of plagiarism report: The article to be submitted to The Journal of Bioresources (JBR) should be checked for plagiarism content using Turnitin or Urkund and other reputed anti-plagiarism software. The corresponding author should submit plagiarism report along with the manuscript during submission of manuscript for peer-review.

Blind peer-review process: Articles to be received from authors for publication in the Journal of Bioresources (JBR) will undergo rigorous blind peer-review process before accepted for publication. The blind peer-review task will be executed by the Editorial Board Members through three subject experts and the comments of atleast two reviewers will form a quorum for rejection and acceptance of the articles.

Submission of manuscript: Original research articles, review articles and short communications with scientific merits and novelty which has not been published earlier will be considered for publication in the Journal of Bioresources (JBR) after rigorous blind peer-review task to be executed by three subject experts reputed in their respective subject domain and the comments of atleast two reviewers will be considered for acceptance and rejection of the articles. Manuscript should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Bioresources (JBR) through online at email ID: for sometime until we come up with dynamic webpage of JBR with provision for direct online submission. All the manuscripts should be typed in double space in English (US English) using MS Word format in Times New Roman font (font size 12 for manuscript and font size 10 for table and graph). All the pages should bear page numbers except figures and tables. The corresponding author should mention the complete address of the affiliating institute with telephone (mobile) number, email ID and institute website address for further correspondence.

How to prepare manuscript for JBR:
b>Submission of manuscript: 1. The manuscript should be submitted in MS-WORD excluding figures and tables..
2. Abstract should contain 250-400 words. It should contain brief background of the research, methods, results and conclusion. Subheading and reference not be included..
3. Introduction of the manuscript should be brief and focused on the knowledge gap and objective of the research. Only relevant references should be cited.
4. Result section should contain only findings.
5. Discussion section should be based on results/key findings and relevant literature should be cited to prove the similarity with previous reports, novelty and uniqueness of your work.
6. Tables should be submitted in separate MS-WORD file bearing appropriate table caption/title.
7. All graphs must be submitted in PPT (PORTRAIT) format in separate file.
8. Photographs should be submitted in a high-resolution JPEG format in separate file.
9. Figure legends should be submitted in separate MS-WORD file.
10. Key words should not exceed more 6-8 words. Each key word should be separated by semi-colon.
11. Reference should be written as per the format of Journal of Bioresources.

Review article: A review article should contain maximum of 8000 words excluding references. Abstract of review article should contain the aims, objectives, critical appraisal on scientific merits and shortcomings and scopes for further studies. It should also include the significance of the study and brief concluding remarks as future direction of the research. Author(s) should write conclusion of the review article in a separate paragraph. Abstract should contain 200 – 350 words.

Short communication: Short communication article should contain 1500- 2500 words. Abstract of short communication article should contain 150-200 words. Manuscript should contain title of the article, author(s) name and affiliation, key words, manuscript text while acknowledgements and references should be presented at the end of the article.

Article Title: Suitable title should be written in Times New Roman (14 font size) and should be limited to 30 words.

Name of author(s) and affiliation: Article should include name of the authors and institutional affiliation with address, PIN code and name of country and email ID of each author. Author(s) name and affiliation should be kept in 12 font size. The name of corresponding author should be marked with asterisk and their email ID should be provided.

Abstract: Abstract should contain aims and background of the research. It should also reflect brief objectives and methodology, results and their significance with a concluding remark. Abstract should contain 200 - 350 words which reflects key findings of the research.

Key words: Keywords should be 6-8 words which are to be separated by semi-colon.

Manuscript Text: Text of the manuscript should consist of Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussions and Conclusion. Introduction should clearly state the current status, rationale and significance of the studies. Relevant previous literature should be cited to strengthen the discussion and should conclude stating concisely the significance and key findings of the work. There should be a brief technical description of the methods adopted for the investigation but a detailed description is required for new methods. Results should contain the findings/observations of the experiments/test carried out and should be supplemented with tables and figures including map of the study site in case of field work. Discussion should reflect on the importance of findings of the work corroborating with earlier publications, with a solid conclusion. Scientific name with author citation and vernacular name of the organism should be written in italics. Voucher specimen Number/Accession number with date and acronym of the Herbaria or Museum where specimen/samples are deposited should be clearly mentioned/cited for plants, animal, fungi, algae and microbes.

Acknowledgement: Author (s) should acknowledge the host institute and collaborative institutes who supported the research with administrative and logistic facilities and those who have contributed or supported the work during field and lab work directly or indirectly.

Disclosure of funding sources: Author (s) should acknowledge the funding sources/name of funding agencies if any with grant no and year of award of the project.
Declaration of conflict of interest: The author(s) should clearly state the conflict interest if any.
Contribution of the authors: Contributions of each author right from research design to preparation of manuscript and communication stage should be clearly mentioned. Corresponding author should be a senior mentors and supervisors of the project who should be able to handle the queries to be raised by the reviewers.
Tables and Figures:All the tables and figures should be numbered and cited sequentially in the text. Tables should be presented in MS Word. Graphs should be presented in Black & White or colour in power point or MS-Word. Photographs, either black & white or multicolour should be given in JPEG file format. Figure legends should be provided on separate pages. Legends to the 4 tables and figures should contain sufficient details to interpret them without referring to the text. All units to be used in the manuscript should be SI units.
Reference citation in main manuscript text: The references should be cited year-wise in case of citing more than one citation for the same paragraphs (the author(s) wherein earlier date should be cited first and the author(s) with later date should be cited subsequently. Example (Jambey et al., 2017; Tag, 2021; Singh and Rupa, 2022; Robert et al., 2023). Author and their unpublished data (except the doctoral thesis and dissertation) should not be cited. The references should be written in the following format.

Journal article
Article with upto 10 authors:
Meyers N, Mittermier R, Mittermeier C, Da Fonseca G and Kent J. 2000. Biodiversity hotspots for conservation priorities. Nature 403(1): 853-858.
Atek N and Tag H. 2019. Sauromatum horsfieldii Miquel (Araceae-Areae): An Addition to the Flora of Arunachal Pradesh. Journal of Bioresources 6(1): 56-60. Vianna GSB, Bandeira MAM, Moura LC, Souza-Filho MVP, Matos F JA and Ribeiro RA. 1998. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects of the tannin fraction from Myracrodruonu rundeuva Fr. All. Phytotheraphy Research 11 (2): 118 -122. Article with up to three authors:
Kim DO, Jeong SW and Lee CY. 2003. Antioxidant capacity of phenolic phytochemicals from various cultivars of plums. Food chemistry 81(3): 321 – 326. Taram M and Tag H. 2023. Henckelia arupii (Gesneriaceae): A new species from Arunachal Pradesh, India. Feddes Repertorium 134 (1): 9 – 14. DOI link for the article should be provided wherever possible for quick link to the article sources.
Book and Book chapter
Hooker JD. 1872. The Flora of British India, Vols.1 – 7, L. Reeve & Co., London. Guraya SS. 1985. Biology of ovarian follicles in mammals. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag. Pp: 221 – 227.
Jain SK and Rao RR. 1977. A Handbook of Field and Herbarium Methods. Today and Tomorrow’s Printers and Publishers, New Delhi. Pp: 1 – 70. Archibong AE and Abdelgadir SE. 2008. Pharmacotoxicologic factors and reproduction. In: Hafez ESE and Hafez B (Eds.) Reproduction in Farm Animals, 7th edition. Blackwell Publishing, USA. Pp: 331 – 340.
Rouke SO, Kim P and Polavarapu PH. 2009. Solar Photovoltaic Industry: Looking through the Storm. Deutsche Bank Report available online at:
Das AK. 1986. Ethnobotany of East Siang district of Arunachal Pradesh. A PhD Thesis submitted to University of Gauhati, Jalukbari, Guwahati, Assam, India (Unpublished). Pp: 5 – 40.

Young CA, Jordan TS and Jordan KM. 1995. Cyanide remediation: current and past technologies. Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference on Hazardous Waste Resources. Pp: 104 – 129.
Book/Report published by Government agencies with no individual authorship:: AAnonymous. 2011. Statistical abstract of Arunachal Pradesh. Publication of Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar. Pp. 2 – 75.5 Note: Any reference having more than ten authors can be written briefly mentioning the names of first three authors followed by et al.

Reference citation and reference format for website consulted: POWO: Plants of the world online ( hosted by Board of Trustees, Royal Botanic Garden, Kew, UK.

Editorial policy and article peer-review process: All the manuscripts to be received from the authors will be assigned to a relevant member of the Editorial Board, who will decide whether the paper carries sufficient scientific merits for undergoing peer-review process. Those papers which have technical problems and /or fail to meet the prescribed standard of the Journal of Bioresources will be rejected or returned to the authors for improvement. Article relevant to the Journal will be allowed for undergoing rigorous blind peer-review process through three independent reviewers. The Editor-in-Chief will take a final decision based on comments of atleast two reviewers out of three whether to accept the paper without revision, accept with revision, return with suggestions for resubmission or rejection. Manuscripts will be returned to the authors for revision in case minor or major revision is required as per reviewer’s comment. Then author(s) will be requested to resubmit the revised manuscript to the Editor-in-Chief within two weeks to one month from the date of the receipt of the revised article. Revised manuscript shall also be sent for peer-review. The editor's decision and reviewer’s comments will be communicated to the authors within 30 days of submission and the accepted papers will be published within one to three months after acceptance.

Ethical policy: The Journal of Bioresources (JBR) aims to provide a means to communicate quality and original research findings, sharing of ideas and information related to biodiversity research among the scientific community and society as a whole in proper and accurate manner. Therefore, it is mandatory and strictly advised to the author (s) to follow the publication ethics before submitting their article for publication in the JBR. JBR follow international guidelines on publication ethics recommended by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and the web link may be consulted for detail guidelines on publication ethics. The authors, editors and reviewers shall strictly adhere to the following publication ethics related to articles to be submitted to the Journal of Bioresources (JBR) for blind peer-review and publication..

Authorship: Only individuals who have made a significant contribution to the work, at least a section of the work or who have contributed in research design, generation and interpretation of data and drafting of the manuscript are eligible to be given for authorship. Colleagues who have failed to make any significant contribution to the work should be mentioned in acknowledgement section. Main authors and Co-authors are expected to ensure integrity, accuracy, transparency and validity of their results prior to submission. Corresponding author should be a senior mentor and supervisor who will handle the comments of the reviewers. Senior author and mentor shall deeply involve in research design, data generation, preparation of manuscript, cite only relevant literatures, minutely go through the manuscripts, ensure integrity and transparency of the data and decide the sequence of the authors of the manuscript.

Plagiarism:: Reproduction of text from other papers without proper credit and acknowledgement to the source of publication of the papers and duplicate the same content by the same author and submitting the same paper to more than one journal concurrently is unethical which is not acceptable. The web link may be consulted for detail guidelines on publication ethics. Authors should clearly acknowledge the sources of the secondary information/data such as map or figures, concept or diagrams used in the article. Once the article is submitted, the plagiarism content shall be checked using plagiarism detection software available with the editors and publishers. The authors shall also submit plagiarism report of the article to the Editor-in-Chief during submission of the manuscript.

Redundant and duplicate publication: The author (s) should not submit such articles which is repetition of earlier published work or work that has already been done by earlier researcher. Such articles will be treated as redundant and will be rejected. Authors are also strictly advised to avoid duplicate submission for the same article in more than one journal for publication. In case of evidence of duplicate submission and publication, the submitted article will be considered withdrawn and will be immediately removed from the journal’s website by our editorial team.

Duties of editors: After manuscript is submitted to JBR, it will undergo an initial screening by the Editorial Board Members in order to determine whether the paper fits into the aims and scopes of the JBR. If the Editorial Board feel that the manuscript meets the JBR's minimum standards for publication, then that manuscript will be considered for a blind reviewing process.

Peer-review: Editor-in-Chief or Executive Editor or a designated editorial board member will forward the received manuscript to three experts (Reviewers) who are specialized in their respective field of studies, without the name and other details of the authors. All the reviewers of the article shall remain anonymous to the authors, maintain integrity and utmost confidential and act independently and judge the scientific merits and integrity of the articles wisely as per JBR reviewer’s guidelines before, during and after the reviewing process.

Corrections and retractions: The Editor-in-Chief shall take decision for publication of a manuscript base on the suggestions, observations and decisions made by the reviewers. The suggestions, observations and decisions made by the reviewers shall be the fundamental criteria for the rejection or acceptance of a manuscript for publication. The decisions of acceptance, improvement, resubmission and rejection shall be immediately communicated to the authors. In case of complaint, detection of significant plagiarism against author (s) which affects publication ethics and integrity, the published article will be retracted.

Copyright: Submission of manuscript to the Journal of Bioresources (JBR) mean that all the authors of the manuscript voluntarily agree to give exclusive copyright to the Journal of Bioresources, in case of acceptance of the manuscript for publication. No part of the publication will be reproduced, translated or transmitted in any form either electronically or otherwise without the prior permission of the Journal of Bioresources. All rights of the articles published in the Journal of Bioresources are reserved with the publishers and publication board..

Article processing fee (APF): The Journal of Bioresources charges INR 3000 + applicable GST charge (for Indian authors) and USD 50 (for authors from rest of the world) per article as article processing fee (APF) on acceptance of the blind peer-reviewed article. The APF will be utilized for article processing and web hosting charge. Article accepted and published will be Open Access (OA) in pdf format which can be freely downloaded and shared from our JBR website Decision for waiver of the article processing fee (APF) shall be made by the Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Team on case-to-case basis.

Legal Jurisdiction:All the legal disputes will be settled at Guwahati High Court, Itanagar Permanent Bench, Yupia, Papum Pare District, Arunachal Pradesh, India.

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